New Arrivals – Online Background Collation Tool
Age Groups
When children and young people who have recently arrived from abroad enrol at a new school, it is critical to ensure that the correct information is recorded at point of entry. This is even more vital when the new arrival’s first language is not English.
The most effective way to collect this information is to set up a parent conference and provide a bilingual interpreter, where necessary. This is always the best solution. However, it is recognised that it is not always possible to obtain an interpreter at short notice.
The New Arrivals Tool was developed by SEGfL for such occasions. The tool supports the induction and early profiling of newly arrived learners, by providing a framework to collect background information. This helps schools think about the most effective provision for the newly arrived learner.
The tool is most suitable for use with a learner who has:
- Recently arrived in the UK from abroad
- Transferred within the UK from another school
17 languages now supported.
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