KCSIE Part 1 translation


Age Groups


KCSIE 2023 will be live as of 1st September 2023 and the new translated versions including Annex A will be available by the second week of September.

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. That’s why ALL school staff must read and understand Part 1 of the DfE’s statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education.

As many schools employ speakers of English as an Additional Language who are not required to have a high level of English for their role, it can be challenging to ensure that everyone understands the full meaning and principles of the guidance.

That’s why, as part of LGfL’s commitment to helping schools keep children safe, we commissioned translations of KCSIE Part 1 into eleven key community languages. These are now available below as free, open-access documents for the benefit of all* schools.

Feel free to download and print but please do not upload or share online except by referring people to this page: kcsietranslate.lgfl.net

Please note these translations were carried out by a professional linguist with secondary proofing. However, the original English version should be treated as the official source of statutory school staff duties. The original Department for Education document Keeping Children Safe in Education is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0.

*Department for Education guidance does not apply outside England

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