Staying safe online while home working 23rd March 2020

As we all try and adjust to different ways of working and interacting, its important to be aware that we are more likely to be targeted by cyber criminals.

We, NEN- the education network and NCSC have produced a simple guide aimed at schools (but applicable to anyone) that sets out some of the risks and how to protect against them.

One of our members, SWGfL has produced an excellent article highlighting some of the scams we are seeing that you need to be aware of. You can find it here

Another member, LGfL has also developed a portal dedicated to supporting schools through the COVID-19 crisis. It can be accessed by anyone, not just LGfL schools.

Don’t forget it is more important than ever that parents and careers apply filtering and parent controls on devices. Internet Matters has comprehensive advice on devices and ISPs.

Some twitter feeds to follow if you want more information:
