Mental Health Designated Lead Training 09/05/2019 10:00 am to 09/05/2019 3:00 pm


This one day course provides teachers with the opportunity to understand the expectations of the new role of the Mental Health Designated Lead within primary schools, which all schools need to have in their schools by 2025. We will unpick the government green paper of ‘Transforming Children and Young People’s Mental Health’ plus other key publications including the new ‘Relationships and Sex Education’ document and going forward how this will impact on the provision you already offer. The session will provide you with knowledge of a range of materials and resources and how you can incorporate these in your school..

Who should attend?

This one day training is suitable for: • Teachers • Teaching Assistants • Anyone within school who in interested in the Designated Mental Health lead

The course is limited to one member of staff per school, because of the limited number of spaces. Lunch and drinks will be provided.

What will I learn?

By the end of the day you will • Understand the current expectations of the designated Mental Health lead role • Planning for a whole school, tier 1 and tier 2 approach to Mental health • An understanding of the CPD available to support this role • Where to signpost to for extra help and resources • Approaches to support whole school wellbeing.

Event Details